he take your matirial and does not pay you till few days later. I here he cheat on his wife with another girl and spends all the moniy on her and can never pay us for material. very bad business. they also have a girl there who looks like a hooker and another big girl who know very little business. i think they are the owners girl frineds to. take yor business some were else avoid if you want moniy the same day
updat: 30 mayo 2012
I hear he going to open new compania at same place. I hear big foundry who own property help him. Is big compania like foundry not smart because they help him? do they know he steal moniy from a mani people, I seen court paper which says he take 4 million dollars then go bankrupt. He took everybodi moniy and buy big boat for 1 million dollars and buy horses and buy girl friend house and her mother house in columbia. He will steal again and foundry will help him they are so bad that they do no know this. maybe he go to jail this time when he take the foundry money.