I was in therapy here for a little over a year, and let me just say, these people aren't exactly psychotherapy's ""A"" squad. To be fair, I only went to 2 of the therapists they had, so maybe the others are a bit better, but my experience was not good. I chose this place because of the sliding scale payment system (4 bucks a session). The price is really the only redeeming quality of the place.\r
They are constantly overbooked, so a patient is lucky to get 1 one hour session per month. This creates problems because by the time you explain the events of the past month, there's hardly time to discuss anything new. I honestly don't know how anyone could make any real progress with 1 monthly session. I know I didn't.\r
One you get a therapist and do all the intake quiz things, it takes over a month to get an appointment with the staff psychiatrist to start on a medication. I found him to be very rude and generally not very knowledgable about the medications he gives people. He essentially talks to you for 10 minutes and passes you a packet of whatever random anti-depressant sample he has from across his desk. I asked him several questions about the possible side effects of the medication he gave me, but all he had for me in terms of information was the leaflet that's included in the sample pack.\r
People here have a grab-bag of different degrees and certifications. You never know if you're being diagnosed by a social worker, a nurse, or a psychologist. My first therapist sat through all our sessions with a copy of the DSM in her lap, doodling (my records are covered in cubes, stars and swirls for this reason).\r
I'm not saying all inexpensive therapy is bad therapy. I've been to great therapists who charge nothing. If you're looking for a place to get cheap anti-depressants once a month without having to pay doctor's office prices, then this is a good place to come. But if you want quality therapy and individualized treatment, my advice is to look elsewhere.\r
Pros: inexpensive
Cons: constantly overbooked, staff generally incompetent and rude