I wish I'd read these reviews first. BUYER BEWARE. I bought a car at Napleton yesterday. The ad for the car was $2,999. Thinking this was a good price, I arrived at 9 am and the sales manager Charles aked "so what was the ad price, $3,300"? I said no it was $2,999 at which point he said "We'll honor that" and shook my hand. He preceded to call a salesman named Brendan E. Carter to assist me and we went for a test drive. It seemed like car was a cool deal and like I had a good rapport with the staff including the Finance and Insurance manager who's last name is 'Michelovic' or some variant of that. We talked about him helping his mother who was retiring and I thought this is a nice young man. So the finance manager gave me the numbers, I signed the papers and that was that. Today when I called my insurance company I looked at the paperwork to get the VIN. I noticed that the sale price was actually $3071 so I called the dealership thinking they would just refund the $72 + tax difference and we'd get a big laugh. The tax in my county in Illinois is 7% so they basically owe me $90....no big deal.
I spoke with the salesman this morning and he said he'd look into it and call me back. I made subsequent calls and when I got hold of the salesman he told me,"it is Friday ........they had been busy all day and they don't see where the mistake is". This guy called me by my first name. I said, "You could have called and said Mr. blah blah blah we're working on the problem, we haven't solved it yet but we want you to know we appreciate your patience and your business". I was on my cell phone and I'm not sure if the cell phone dropped the car or the salesman, Brendan Carter hung up. I am sure that I have not received a call back all day.
Luckily for me I paid with a credit card to try to get some points so I called my credit card company and I'm filing and fighting the charge. The crazy thing is that a dealership would be willing to get bad press for 90 lousy bucks.....