I am so impressed with the customer service here, that I'd recommend this auto store to anyone in the market. Upon entering this store, I thought their prices were high, but needed their service department since it was highly recommended. I was dreading it. Any woman will understand that. They calibrated my rotors and made a 1/16" of an error. Once being told of this, they retested the machine - and sure enough- it was incorrectly set. They corrected their error and went above what I would have expected. This was all done without one complaint or sneer on their part. They don't know how easy they made it on me. Plus, they respected my opinion and business.
I highly recommend their service department and store in general. The atmosphere here is a fairly typical auto store - except it's very clean. The temperature is good, it's well lit, and it's easy to maneuver around in.
Plus, there's free coffee. :)