I'd like to start off by saying I worked in the medical field for more than 20 years; spent many of those years working for the ""big box"" type of practices (multiple physicians - one specialty). Being an employee I had the opportunity to see any of the physicians in the practice, which I did, for a while. But that got old for a variety of reasons, accessibility to my records by other employees, the feeling that I ""didn't matter"" as a patient because I was an employee. Ultimately I decided to venture out and find a physician totally independent. Which lead me to Dr. Cook. I started with him when he was a solo practioner and it was love at first visit. The time he spent with me then as well as now is totally invaluable to me. When his practice grew and he added Mary Jane, his Nurse Practioner, I felt she was a perfect match for his calming demeanor. As an addition to his existing staff, she would only be beneficial to the continued success of the practice. When Dr.'s Nanda and Melham joined the practice, it seemed the ""family"" was complete. Yes, there are times when I have seen Mary Jane or one of the other doctors because Dr. Cook has been tied up, but honestly it happens every where. It's the ""down side"" if you will of any Ob/Gyn office, babies are born, emergencies happen. Much as we'd all like to see Dr. Cook and only Dr. Cook, things happen and they are no one's fault.
As I said I have a medical background (in the area of OB/Gyn) which means I have a better understanding, but never has anyone in the staff presumed that I should be treated any differently. They always took the time to explain to me diagnosis' and treatment plans; they never presumed that they didn't need to or I didn't deserve the same treatment as all other patients.
On the occasions when I've had billing questions things were explained to me and/or straightened out in short order. I couldn't be more pleased with how things were/are handled there. The front desk staff does an amazing job at check in and check out, making both processes as pleasant as possible. When I call to schedule my appointment it's always done efficiently and pleasantly.
I now live in the Chicago area, but still come back to Houston to see Dr. Cook and will continue to do so. Recently I had an injury requiring orthopedic surgery, when I was disappointed with the prognosis my local physician gave me, I called Dr. Cook told him I needed to ""come home to see a physician"". He didn't hesitate with a referral to an Orthopedic Surgeon for me to see. By the time I called that doctor for an appointment Dr. Cook had already made contact with that doctor about my injury. I was (and still am) terribly impressed! Talk about going above and beyond!
One last note (I promise), when my nephew and his wife were having their first baby, I referred them to Dr. Cook. She didn't seek prenatal care as early as she should have so the staff got her in ASAP when she called to schedule the appointment. On ultrasound he found that there was a complication. Not long after that diagnosis the couple were moving to another state. He helped my niece with a referral to a local physician to continue her care, but told her ""his door was always open"" if she needed him. The couple saw the new physician once before making the decision to stay right where they were for the birth of their first baby. So they made the trip monthy, bi weekly, then weekly until her due date drew closer. Their son was born with club feet which required lengthy medical care after birth, but he's a healthy, active 8 year old boy. Dr. Cook still asks about them. Which I appreciate and so does my niece.
I can't say enough about what a great group of people they have at The Ob/Gyn Center. But I can tell you that Dr. Cook himself is the absolute best physician I could have ever hoped for!