this one of the sorryest companies i have ever saw in my entire life they are smart azzez scotty hooper for the most part and then comes seth he thinks he is a bad azz like scotty but neither of them are bad azzez just bad buisness operaters...dont believe nothing they tell you dont belive they wanna be your friend because THEY ARE NOT!!!!!!!!!they will steal your escrow charge for stuff they dont pay and you shouldnt pay either bottom line THEY ARE CROOKS WITH BAD ATTITUDES...go to james r james a or even garrison at least with them you get treated like a employee not a dog.........look at the web site they have they is nothing on it no home page nothing that should tell you something they dont even know how to maintain a web site and what little bit is on it scotty smart azz is only in one picture and was to scared to even list his name on be your own judge do at your own risk