I took my very energetic son to these Gym Classes to release some energy. The classes were fine but during the "free-play" sessions another mother of a younger child had some issues with my son's energy level. This mother was very pregnant at the time and her young nanny was in the play area with her child. I was in the play are with my son the entire time and stayed with him while he played. The mother spent much of the "free time play" play either on the phone or talking with the owner Teddy. I really had no idea she had taken issues with my son's activites.
This mother totally blind-sided me in the parking lot, yelling at me about my son (while he was standing there holding my hand and while all the other mothers were packing the kids into the cars). One of the problems she had with my son was that he "was running too fast". I was totally taken off-guard because I really didn't see any issues--he played nicely and didn't bother or interfere with any other child. His behavior seemed totally gym-appropriate.
I immediately went back into My Gym and spoke to Teddy the owner and asked her directly if we had done something wrong. She seemed confused. When I told her this woman had screamed at me in the parking lot she rolled her eyes. She told me this mother was a chronic problem to her staff and to the other members of the Gym and did this type of thing frequently. So why is she still there?
My-Gym can be a great outlet for active kids but beware that they can be exposed to the idea that their energy is bad.