I thought it might be interesting for you and your customers to see how well the Ivy 67 Mustang convertible is doing in Germany.
I bought it from you in November 2009 and it took some time until the arrival in February 2010. First the Mustang had to wait for the right ship at LA harbor. Then she had to go all the way down from Los Angeles to Panama, sailing right thru the Panama Canal. On the other side she was loaded on another, bigger ship that brought her across the Atlantic Ocean to Amsterdam in The Netherlands. From there it was another short
750 miles trip to Munich in Germany, Ivy's new home town.
As you guys did a such a great job on the restoration, the only things
we had to adapt were the front lights for European standards and front disc brakes to use it safely on the German ""Autobahn"". As you may know, there is no speed limit and Ivy can really show all the power she has.
As the summer season starts right now here in Europe I recently did a
trip to the Munich airport, were she was the absolute eye catcher.
Between all the new Mercedes, BMWs, Porsches and Audis the 1967 Mustang convertible was clearly the No 1 car for hundreds of travelers. Although in a hurry, all of them took the time for a short chat and deeply admired this impeccable classic Mustang.
Of course I needed to test Ivy on the steep mountain roads in the
Bavarian Alps. Again she was the shining star and climbed the mountains much better than a lot of the new Japanese cars around.
I have attached a few pictures that everybody can see Ivy here in
Germany. And to everybody who wants to own and drive a classic car, I can only and strongly recommend to see the Mustangs at Mustangs Only. You can't have more fun than driving one!