Muscle Relief Massage is truly a gem in the massage world. First of all she actually does a full 60 minute massage and not the standard 50 minute massage you usually get elsewhere! She also has night apointments available which is a plus when working long hours. I use to frequent the chiropracters at least 3 times or more in a two week period. Since working with the massage therapist I only have to go in once a month for adjustments. She knows how to work the muscle and tissue to give you the full benefit that a massage should give and also be theraputic to the body as well. She applies the right amount of pressure in every situation and will work with you if you have a specific spot that needs more work. I have had nothing but wonderful experiences coming here and my muscles really feel revived and much better too. I highly recommend this therapist for anyone looking for a relaxing massage, deep tissue massage or anything in between. She is very personable and experienced in what she does.
Tina E.
Pros: Body, Muscles, and Tissue feel revived afterwards
Cons: NONE