When I first started attending, it was friendly and the people were very caring. Once I started taking their class, which they want everyone to take, I found out what they're really about. They expect you to get baptized in their church, even if you've been baptized before. I refused to let them re-baptize me, and I had to go talk to one of the leaders about my decision. For the most part, the ministers are caring and very helpful, but after I got to know them better, I found them to be arrogant. They teach you that you have to give at least 10% of your money to the church, and when I said I wouldn't do that, one of the leaders said God would ""curse"" my finances if I didn't. I think this place does a lot of good for a lot of people, and I appreciate all they do to help the community, but it's not for me. I prefer to think for myself.
Pros: Lots of opportunities to grow in God.
Cons: The leaders are controlling, and it's so big you can't make any friends.