Music & Arts Ministry, Celebration Choir, Combined Choir, Mime (silent praise), Praise Dancers (Adult & Youth)
Youth Department:
This cutting edge ministry is determined to obey the word of God and the mission God has given our pastor. Outbreak Teen Ministry's vision is to develop youth that have an authentic love for God and their friends. What we mean by authentic is , we're not satisfied with youth coming to church, we want them to be like Christ; take church or Christ-likeness to school, sports events, home, the movies and while "kickin it" in the neighborhood. We are training them to do what the word instructs them at any given time or moment. This all boils down to having a heart for God, helping others grow in the faith and at the same time have fun doing it. It's like the saying that states, "friends don't let friends drive drunk," we believe, "friends don't let friends go to hell." Being a teen attending Outbreak and not participating in reaching out or breaking out of the comfort of the walls of a building in order to help is strongly discouraged. Christ has not called us to be spectators but participators. He has called us to be a "Ministry In Action.". Sunday:
* Early Morning Worship: 7:45am
* Fulfillment Hour (Sunday School) 9:45am
* Morning Worship: 11:00am
* Youth Worship: (Ages 5-12) and Teen Worship (Ages 13-18) 2nd,3rd & 4th Sunday at 11:00am
Nursery Open 7:30am
Prayer Service: 11:00am & 6:00pm
Bible Study: 12:00 noon & 7:00pm
* Power Hours: (Nursery-12th Grade) 6:00pm