I am HIV positive, and I had back surgery in Late Oct. I have what is known as drop foot in my right foot due to the damage from the nerve compression, and I was looking for another family doctor, because I lost mine due to the fact I didn't have insurance and I needed an MRI. ( I just didn't have 3,000 ) laying around the house at the time. Now I called the office asking if they would accept new patients, and it was a blitz of lies. Everything from our doctor's will not write narc's, Which my other half is a see's Dr. Wilison and I have picked up more scripts that were controlled than I can count. To treating me like a drug seeker, when I called her on her lie. I assume the ladies in the office Tina, Tana, ect. didn't know that my other half went to the office. THESE PEOPLE ARE EVIL. IT'S ABOUT THE GREEN DOLLAR NOT HELPING PEOPLE. ANYONE BUT THEM!!! Trust me!