Yesterday I went out for lunch and noticed that my back tire was half flat. My tire pressure thingy wasn't working so I called my husband, who was right around the corner. The pressure was at like 10 and this was the tire that a guy at work patched for me already so I figured it was probably time for a new tire.
So my husband and I went over to Mr. Tires. Took 45 minutes for the guy to get my information in the computer and all. He was trying to sell me 4 tires, when I just wanted 2. He tried to sell me the road hazard insurance, NO. He tried to sell me something else too and I was like, NO just 2 tires and an oil change. We wanted the 2 back tired replaced, that was it.
About an hour later the guy calls me and tells me that there was a razor blade in my back tire and that they weren't sure they could patch it. I said, well you aren't patching the back tire, you are replacing it. He says, OH I thought we were replacing the front tires. AGAIN I said, NO we are leaving the front tir