Be very careful, if you are considering a purchase from this retailer. Never had a problem in the past, but I had nearly a six month horror show with this retailer recently. Needless to say, I'll never go back to them, but you might have a better experience if you are aler.t They will sell appliances as "new" or "floor models" that have been previously sold, returned broken and fixed by them. I paid for a new GE washer and it arrived with dents and water dripping out of the drain connection. A week later the motor came off its mounts.
Before you enter the store, know what you want and know the right price. Inspect the invoice closely before you give them your credit card. If you can, pay by credit card to protect you if there is a problem with the purchase. At delivery, insist on seeing the purchase in its box from the factory before the truck is unloaded. Do not accept anything where there is no box evident on the delivery truck. Make sure all the manufacturers documentation is with the purchase.