Moxie is as good as any restaurant that I've ever been to. If I were to think of the top ten meals I've ever had, I'm sure several of them would have been at this great restaurant. My last meal there was typical. I had fish and it was perfect but no other part of the meal was neglected. The bread is the best in the city.The cauliflower that was served with my salmon was fantastic. The salad that came before was perfect.
And if I were to list all of the best desserts that I've ever had, several of those would also come from Moxie. I vividly remember a peach "melba", a pear tart and a "baked hot chocolate" that I had months if not years ago. My most recent dinner ended with pumpkin pie and it was the best pumpkin pie I've ever had. The crust, so often the downfall of an otherwise worthy pie, was fantastic. Several tiny shards of pumpkin brittle were served on the side and I would have been happy just to have those. They gave me an entirely new appreciation for brittle.
You'll see that I've resorted to using quotation marks. They also appear often on the Moxie menu alongside a great number of foreign and unfamiliar words. Some of the dishes are playful reimaginations but the food isn't novelty food or pretentious. It's very accessible and absolutely delicious.