I had an awful experience at this animal hospital. I brought my new puppy in because he was acting very lethargic, and not eating or drinking. I had seen dogs with parvovirus, and knew these were symptoms. I asked them if they could just give him the test, so we could either rule it out or start treatment early on if it was positive. The vet was too concerned with a "false negative/positive" because he hadn't shown the severe symptoms. They sent me home. I came back the next day, because nothing had changed, saw a different vet, sent him home. Third day, different vet, gave me antibiotics. FOURTH DAY, he's puking and pooping blood. They FINALLY give him the parvovirus test.. POSITIVE. I wasn't going to let him die without a fight, so I left him there with an iv and the promise to give him the best care all night. He died after three days there. And I had to pay 900 dollars for his stay. I had asked question after question about his disease, and not one of these three vets could give me