The mountain goat on main street in Northampton claims to bring you quality clothing, footwear and gear from the most respected names in the business. This is true, you'll find Patagonia, Marmot, the North Face, Arc'Teryx and some golite products. But that also means you'll pay through the nose. These rain jackets, sandals boots and clothing are top of the line, and do a great job in tough weather and extreme conditions. But this is by no means an all around outfitter. This shop is more geared towards the casual day hiker or naturalist with a deep pocket and a penchant for long-wearing everyday shoes. My guess is most of their business is from footwear that never sees generous amounts of dirt. Nontheless, it is a good place to find the options that you didn't find on your first stop to get gear, that great (bigger, but tucked away) place on Pearl street (the name escapes me). Goat has more technical gear where the pearl street place will have your tents, backpacks and as-cheap-as-they-can-make-them nalgene bottles. As an alternative to Mtn. Goat, go to EMS at the Hampshire Mall.