We had our land surveyed by William Holyoak at Mountain Engineering while in the process of combining two lots we own. He took all of the information including our address, the lot numbers of the lots we were combining and other information over the phone and then we waited several days. A man in our neighborhood that lived a block and a half away from our house told us that William had shown up to his house wanting to survey it and told the neighbor that we had ordered the survey. This neighbor's house wasn't even in the same neighborhood as our lots we wanted surveyed! William had gotten it completely wrong. So a few days later, William came to our house and gave us a lot drawing and asked us if we were planning to move to our neighbor's house to the west of us (this is a DIFFERENT neighbor than the first one he had mistakenly contacted before). He thought we were merging our empty lot with our other neighbor's. Obviously, this man is confused. The instructions were very simple. We had given him the lot numbers, our address, and we already owned BOTH lots so they were both already in our name. But he confused it twice. Now today we got the bill and we were charged for all of that time he spent revising all of his mistakes. I would not recommend his services to anyone. He is a very confused man.