The Company is terrible at Customer service. The equipment is not quite reliable and designed without a thought about customer's convenience in mind.\r
Examples. Just now I had to torn the panel out of the wall to stop it beeping every several seconds - after a couple of days without external power (the outlet was out of order), after fixing the outlet, this stupid panel tells me this way that the battery is low. And I called for tech support - they charge more than $300 for technician visit.\r
Earlier we had to disable (turn it to useless position) one of the motion detectors because of multiple false alarms. So, one of the rooms became unprotected.\r
Even earlier we had to have a technician to come to our house because the system was alarming due to lost cell connection. It was a lot of fun in the middle of the night. And what, interesting, we could do to restore this connection.\r
Anyhow, following Monday I'm calling this ""wonderful"" company to cancel service. Even relatively low cost of this service (if you consider about $35/month to be low cost) isn't a good enough reason to keep it.