I begged for decent health care for months from all of the doctors at Carmel OB and did not receive any attention. On the verge of losing my child at 35 weeks from symptoms of preeclampsia (high bp, spots in front of eyes, chest pain, etc.), one OB finally consented to run tests. However, what was really stinky for us was that the next day was Good Friday and the office was closed. So, I was instructed to urinate in a big plastic container on Easter Sunday and bring it in Monday. The lab tech told me to take it to church with me. I was horrified. Since I was on the OB rotation, I left a message with my regular OB (Goldman). I had warned the rotation OB (Morris) that I myself was born early at 7 lbs. 11 oz. and that my only sibling was full term at 10 lbs. 3 oz. She reluctantly agreed to schedule an ultrasound the next week but it wasn't her problem because I wasn't her patient. Goldman used scare tactics on myself and my husband by telephone and explained that premature babies would end up in the NICU, could die, have breathing problems, and that I wouldn't want to see my baby like that. So, my husband and I decided to go to Presby and completely switch health care systems because Carmel OB/GYN was obviously incompetent to help anyone with anything. I prayed to God for help. Within 30 minutes of speaking with Goldman my water broke naturally at 35 weeks. My son was born healthy at 7 lbs. 11 oz. (like me). Unfortunately, we had to go to CMC-Pineville since my contractions were so close together. The on-call OB was Morris. Morris gave me an episiotomy that ran through my vajayjay muscles and into my rectum. Three repairs & 4 months later I STILL have stool coming out of my vajayjay. So, I have a healthy newborn but can't do anything or go back to work because I am incontient and have holes like ""swiss cheese"" in my vajayjay. Every time I have surgery I have to send my son away for a week and I cry the whole time from missing him so much. The pain is horrible.
Pros: Parking & ambience
Cons: Bad health care