The web site associated with this business entity no longer exists or their servers have been down for some time now. The company seems to consist of one individual - Ms. Mitoskinka.
She may be all that is claimed here in the one existing review written at the time I'm writing this review but given few if ANY realtors in the area have found her accessible. Attempted contact throughout the latter 1/2 of 2011 by more than one realtor was in vain. Nobody could get a call or email back from her.
I highly suspect that the one review posted here with 5 stars by a ""Frangelica"" was either planted by Ms. Mitosinka or may even be the agent herself. For that matter, the agent may not even exist and the entire business might in fact be a suspicious DBA.
At any length, I suggest caution - great caution. And if you have not learned by now how to discern what reviews are 'for real' and which are 'nudged' into posting (from payment for such to free this or that in exchange for a review ..and a good review), you must have been living under a rock. I.e., I am not a paid shill for anybody and nobody urged me to write and post this (I don't have time for such).