It was nice people that owned Moose Creek Lodge in 1950-51. In November of 1951, it was 50 degrees below zero, I was just born, we were living in a log cabin right next to the Lodge. Heating was provided by a fireplace. The planes came right over our heads. The air was so cold that you couldn't get the fire going because the cold air coming down would not allow the warm air to go up. in 1949 before I was born, my dad (now 89 years old) was in the Army Air Corps in Ohio and wore his Army ""olive drab"" uniform. The Army Air Corps became the U.S. Air Force, at which point he wore Air Force blues, then my mom and dad were married and he was transferred to Eilson Air Force Base in Fairbanks. The trailer we were living in burned, so we moved to the log cabin near the Lodge. My dad reminisces about the brown bear that would come to feed at the trash dump where refuse was piled, about 30 feet from our trailer.