Pursuing a medical malpractice or other serious injury claim requires an enormous amount of time, effort and money. They are difficult, technically challenging claims, and they involve substantial risk. Malpractice claims are also serious allegations about healthcare professionals. As a consequence, we do not advise clients to litigate any matter unless we feel strongly that the case has merit, the damages are substantial, and litigation is the only means of resolution. We believe that not every dispute should be litigated. On the other hand, if a case meets our requirements, we aggressively pursue it. In order to determine when to litigate, we carefully listen to every client, retain well qualified experts for advice and realistically evaluate each case. Our philosophy leads to a close working relationship with our clients. We understand the issues before we file the claim. Not only do the lawyer and client fully understand the strengths and weaknesses of a case, but their shared expectations result in better decisions and more satisfactory resolutions.. Medical Malpractice About Medical Malpractice Lawsuits Frequently Asked Questions Myths About Medical Malpractice Causes of Medical Malpractice Semi-Truck Accidents About Truck Accident Lawsuits Truck Accident Frequently Asked Questions Serious Personal Injuries Alcohol-Related Accidents Aviation Accidents Bicycle Accidents Boating Accidents Construction Accidents Electrocution Accidents Inadequate Security Cases Motorcycle Accidents Nursing Home or Extended Care Facility Cases Product Liability Train Accidents Wrongful Death