The montgomery Job Corps center is okay except for all of the mess. It isn't just the students that are messy like everyone wants you to think. The staff is just as messy as everyone else if not more so. My trade instructor spends their day telling eveyone your business even if the facts are complety wrong. The really good thing is that they have to most amazing choir that I happen to be a member of. I sing on the saprano section alwell as the alto. If this is supposed to be one of the best centers to be on I think that they need to fix it up better and change the menus because you can only eat the same thing so often before you get sick of it. I hope that any who read this takes my advice and thinks really hard about what your life will be like if you do what I did and dropped out of school. I came to job corps to get an education but so far all I have recieved is a lot of enimies that dislike me just because I am quite and stay to mysefl.
Pros: choir, friends, family
Cons: staff, mess, no smoking