1.When you meet the GYN doctor does not introduce himself
2.Does not have eye contact
3.Ask leading questions
4.Does not want to bother hearing your complaints
5.If he gets to hear your chief complaints he makes faces/rolls his eyes/or looks at you like you are dirty or crazy.
6.You want to learn the meaning of ""condescending""
Personally, as bad as it was, I tried to keep the same GYN doctor for about two yrs now, but this time I decided to make an appointment with someone different since I needed prompt care and maybe I'd have better luck this time and find somebody who at least pretended he cared.....NOT!!! I tried to make an appointment with a female GYN dr but had no luck, so went with what there was available, a male Dr.
As a professional and human being I believe we all have choices....I have the choice to go somewhere else to get a better care and the Dr has a choice to go back to school and train in something else, maybe something that would make them a happier human being and treat people (patients) with dignity!!!!
One great thing I should point out.....starting with the housekeeper, receptionists,and LPNs, they are courteous and have great manners and treat you with respect!