have been a regular there for many years, many! Use to go when it was "Western Connection". Sad to say now it is turning into a place I can no longer recommend. The security guards DON'T listen and LIE to you. I was actually kicked out last night after asking this girl to please move out of my way. She looked me up and down & ignored my request. I admit here, I was wrong as I tossed a few ice cubes left in my water cup. She then turned around, called me a few choice words and threw her drink at me. After that the security guard came and only listened to the young gals side. I sat quietly & then ask him, are you going to hear my side, this was when he was telling me I was kicked out. To appease me he said she was being in kicked out too. it was a LIE! I had witness & still he let her stay. LIARS! I guess they like to look at the young hoochie gals and they can do whatever! I will not be returning!