The Law Office of Monica Rawlins, P.C. serves individuals and families throughout the following counties in Texas: Harris, Fort Bend, Montgomery, Galveston and Brazoria. My office is located on Westheimer, right across from the Galleria making it easy to be found. However, for the convenience of my clients, I am willing to travel to meet with you. Diligent representation in Houston, Texas For help with a family law, estate planning/probate matter, or personal injury matter, call the Law Office of Monica Rawlins, P.C. locally at 832-549-3108 or contact me online to schedule a free phone consultation.. Wills||Family Law|Divorce|Modifications|Criminal Defense|Child Support|Child Centered Divorce Mediation|Child Custody|Estate Planning|Spousal Support|Child Support|Litigation|Conservatorship|Adoptions|Criminal Defense|Custody|Family Adoptions|Civil Litigation|Domestic Violence|Grandparents' Rights|Prenuptial & Postnuptial Agreements|Divorce Mediation|Uncontested Divorces|Hearings|Wage Garnishment Removal|Powers Of Attorney|Phone Consultations|Paternity Law|Alimony|Child Advocacy|Document Preparation|Alternative Dispute Resolution|Guardianships|Parenting Plans & Agreements|Free Initial Consultations|Custody Attorneys|Misdemeanors|Name Changes|Protection Orders|Protection Orders|Visitation