Went into to this dealership over the weekend to do my purchase option after my lease. Had a payoff quote from the bank that was easily payable in full. I decided that I would just finance anyways and pay it off quickly. For some reason the cost of my car nearly doubled in cost and they were trying to set me up a 48 month loan. They were adding some supposedly 4000 dollar dealer fees and 3000 dollar bank fees which I was unsure off untill I came back later that day. They would not give me a break down of how they got form the payoff amount to the amount that they were trying to sell me. So I told them that I would just pay it off in full and this is when we discovered the fees. They said, (finance group, don't know their names) ""If you pay it in full, you are just going save yourself the bank fees and iterest"". They came with some bogus 4200 dollar fee saying it covers smog and license and registration. Last time I checked I never had to pay 4200 for smog, registration and license. They said that those fees are the same at every dealer. Well 2 days later coming from the concord Niello dealer, Im all payed off on my car and no stupid 4200 dollar fee and smog and license was about 100 dollars.