I was a patient 15 years ago and at the ripe age of 12, I knew this was more of a business than a practice that cared about you. I remember there were about 6 chairs and everyone rotated in and out like some impersonal assembly line.
My teeth were very spaced out, and the doctors told my parents and I that they would close the space and fortunately, I had room for wisdom teeth that would help further close the space years later. I don't have wisdom teeth. That should have shown up on the x-ray, but perhaps they were too busy getting everyone in and out to notice they probably picked up the wrong person's x-ray. It was never corrected. I found out 6 years later from my dentist, braces were off and still some unattractive space between my teeth, what they had been telling me all along was a mistake.
I practice good oral hygiene and only have one cavity. The cavity is in the shape of the band that was around my tooth when I had braces. The orthodontists should have seen that there was a gap between the band and tooth, but they never paid attention. If they had seen it, I would not have a cavity. I know at least one other woman who went here as a child and has experienced this same incident.
Recently, I discovered that I have to get a soft tissue graft on my lower bottom gums because of my braces. My teeth moved too much when I had braces and upset my gums and now they are receding. I'm not 100% sure if this incident is directly related to their practice but based on other experiences, I'm not ruling it out.
Be patient with your research and find the best care for your child. If you received a recommendation from a friend to send your child here, that may seem like a good idea in the present, but I suspect there are many past patients who are still dealing with problems caused from years ago. This practice is not worth anyone's dime.