MiR Audio Video provides me with very good recommendations on their products, and they also have very good pricing. When I needed a television, DVD recorder, and Blu-ray I bought based on their recommendation of what the best product was.
Usually I compare online for prices and product reviews, and they always recommend the products that are among those with the highest reviews. MiR also has the best pricing. I have been dealing with them for years now, so it is almost a habit to go to them first.
I have been so happy with them. I have several TV sets in my house that I have bought from them, and even ear phones. My experience has been very good, and so I recommend people to them as well.
2 or 3 weeks ago a friend of mine was authorized to buy a television set for his niece because she was busy with work. He asked me about it, so I met him at MiR. He bought the television from them and had them install it. He told me a week later that his niece was thrilled with everything.
They provide good service. They have been so good to me that I want to reciprocate by recommending customers.
BJ Mirholz