These people should be avoided if you care about your clothes. I have had three bad experiences with them, and after the last one refused to use them anymore.
(1) They lost a cashmere scarf that belonged to my great-grandfather. I reported the loss, and they seemed annoyed, but claimed they would look for it. When I returned to see if they had found it, they said "no", but there were no apologies, refunds, or other signs of concern.
(2) Although they later found them, they momentarily lost a pair of trousers from a suit. What annoyed me about the situation was that they had substituted a very obviously mismatched pair of trousers, apparently hoping I wouldn't notice.
(3) I brought them a brand new sweater, which had gotten a tiny, barely noticeable, spot of olive oil on it. I could have gotten the spot out with soap and water myself, but the sweater had some silk in it, so decided to be on the safe side and take it to the cleaners. They returned the sweater with a much larger, much more conspicuous spot. They tried to claim that it was they same spot I had brought in, and they were simply unable to remove it. I raised an eyebrow at this, and the woman at the counter began to throw a mild tantrum and grumpily agreed to re-clean the sweater. This time there remained a small bit of discoloration near the site of the original spot, but there was now mild discoloration across the entire front of the sweater. It looked as though someone had spilled some kind of chemical agent all over the sweater, and made only a half-hearted effort to clean it up afterward. Unless some other cleaner can get this out, the sweater (brand new) is basically ruined. The woman again threw a tantrum when I asked for a refund, but did at least give it to me.