We provide our clients with the best service available.
Milikan Computer Technologies is a computer services and computer training specialist that helps local small businesses and residents in the North Shore. With over thirty years experience, there is not a problem that your are having with your technology that Milikan will not be able to handle. If you are not familiar with your current system Milikan Computer Technologies provides the necessary teaching skills to make sure that you can learn how to develop the skills to be able to master your systems in the most efficient way possible.Services include:- Computer Software Training - New System Configuration - Data Recover & Transfer- System Security - Clean & Optimize Computer- Network Multiple Computers - Hardware Installation - Customize ComputersThere are many additional services that are availableEmergency services upon request.Call to receive a consultation on how you can get the most out of your computer system.. |Business Services|Corporate Training|Computer Networking|Virus Removal|Computer Hardware|Programming Languages|Beginner Computer Classes|Computer Hardware Repair|Computer Installation|Computer Repair|Database Classes|Desktop Computer Repair|Laptop Repair|Software Training