<a href="http://www.redbluffduilawyer.com/" target="_blank"><strong>An Experienced DUI Defense Lawyer Can Help You</strong></a>
<p>Before becoming an attorney, I was a California Highway Patrol officer for almost 20 years. I have investigated hundreds of incidents involving drugs and alcohol. I have arrested hundreds of individuals for being under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. I have testified in the Superior Courts of California as an expert in the field of DUI detection, investigation, arrest and prosecution. I have taught classes on Field Sobriety Tests, and was one of the first CHP officers to be certified as a Drug Recognition Expert. I am experienced in providing a defense in the Administrative Per Se hearings before the California Department of Motor Vehicles and have experience in drafting, filing and arguing Writs of Mandate in the Superior Courts to attempt to overturn erroneous DMV decisions.</p> <p>We scrutinize all cases for any and all violations of an individual's Constitutional Rights and vigorously challenge all such violations in Court.</p>