We all know it's a tough economy, and no matter what you may be hearing on the television or reading in the newspapers, it is not gett8ing that much better to find a job, especially if you are going about it on your own.
I came into the Millennium Personnel office feeling a little despondent, but upon meeting with a couple of really courteous, helpful and professional associates, I felt like a had a really good shot at finding work.
they helped me uncover and more effectively communicate skills that I had but was not doing justice do in terms of my resumes and interviews.
I gave them my resume to work on and it was like night and day. I felt more confident in my own abilities and after a couple of interviews I was able to land a job as an administrative assistant. And I can thank Millennium for equipping me with the right tools to help make that happen. For that I am so grateful.
I realize that I was fortunate to have found work so quickly, but I also know that is I had not sought out professional help, I would still be seeking employment in a very unfocused manner.
Thanks Millennium! You are the best!