I have not stepped foot in this store for over 3 years. The owner is rude, fights with his wife and insults her in front of customers. Acts like he is doing you a favor and is very disrespectful to customers. He is mean to handicapped people and will not service his community. For me, I'm not spending my hard earned money in a store that basically hates the community, caucasins in general. Next time you go in there, just observe his manner. He hates Americans. only in America can you profit and make a good living. There were times when people needed to use Mike's phone for an emergency and he refuses, even when there was a mugging right outside his door, he didn't care. Mean, mean awful man!! I go further out of my way to buy lotto or liquor at the Liquor store on Santa Terresa and Cahalan Ave. They are nice and respectful to everyone.