We feel that learning gymnastics is an excellent way for children to improve their flexibility, strength and endurance and a way to increase their self-confidence. Gymnastics also teaches children to better discipline and concentration. The preschool classes are a wonderful way to prepare children for entering school because students learn to listen to and follow directions, share, and how to wait their turn and socialize with their peers.. Gymnastics is,without a doubt,one of the most beneficial physical activities children exxperience. When the gymnastics program is structured and presented correctly,children realize benefits,in the areas of physical fitness,self-esteem and life skills,that serve them for a lifetime. Parental involvement in investigating and finding the right gymnastics program increases the benefits immeasurably. Collecting information,speaking with the administrators and staff of the programs in your area,talking with other parents and observing classes are all beneficial actions when deciding on a gymnastics program.