They have no showroom and no way to look at the glass, but that's fine and not where my problem is. Called for 7 pieces of frosted glass (with exact measurements) and they said they'd bring by samples for me to choose from in 5 days. Not ideal either, but ok. Then when they do come, they have 2 types there, neither of which was what I was looking for. Fine again. I asked if he could just call me with a price for a more opaque version of the one he had and I didn't even need to see it to approve, I'd just give him the go-ahead if the number wasn't outrageous. Sure, no problem I'm told.
Well I wait day and don't hear anything. Then I call to check up and I'm told they'd look into it and call me back. Nothing. Call back the next day and again I'm told by the receptionist that they're just waiting for a price but she'd follow up. On the fourth day (a Friday), I call again, same story, and I'm told I'd get a call back with an update. Of course I don't hear anything. I call back after hours that day when I realize and I get their voice mail that they're closed until Monday. I leave a message asking what the issue is with just giving me a price so I can place an order. That's all I am trying to do, and I can't see how it should take 4 days to get a single square foot price.
Today (Monday) comes around, and I get an email saying that the owner thinks I should probably go to a place with a showroom so that I can select the glass due to there being a lot of options. That's a really obnoxious message to receive in any capacity (and a gutless one over email no less), but it would have been much more acceptable had I been told that from the start instead of being drug along and lied to for weeks now about some price that they're waiting to hear, meanwhile they were clearly doing nothing on their end.
This was the most basic of situations for them. I had the exact measurements I needed and the type of glass I wanted. Their only task was to give me a price and I was ready to order, even volunteering a deposit, but they couldn't handle it. Good luck if you're trying to do anything remotely involved with them.