Being a native Atlantan, my first encounter with the intersection of P'tree & 10th(Now called Midtown) in the late '60's,was riding through, in the backseat of my parents auto. It was quite colorful. Long-haired Hippies, sandals, free-love at near by Piedmont Park, and wonderful strange(?)aroma's in the air. The Great American Smoke-Out Festival, began in the Park. The Allman Brothers played for free. End of the Viet Nam War came, the hippies went away, and the next wave of people came to the area, which had already been called by some, Midtown. We couldn't let NYC, get anything over on us. Most of the houses were run down, many had become rooming houses. But with the growing influx of the gay and lesbian community, like San Francisco, the area started to blossom. Old houses were being renovated, little gay bars, cafes, bookstores were all helping to create a new intown(Midtown) community. Today from North Ave., the Fox Theater, High Museum, Colony Square, on to just past The Temple, ending at Brookwood Station, Atlanta had a new community. The Midtown Alliance was formed, with Susan Meindheim, as the President. Today, yuppies, buppies, guppies, and the best of Atlanta's citizen's call Midtown, home. Highrise Condo's, elegant bars/restaurants line Peachtree, Juniper, and Crescent Ave. And some of those old houses are now home to trendy dining options, and clubs. Midtown, is what Atlanta is all about. An all inclusive city of the future, now! I'm proud to call Atlanta my home!
Pros: Best Of Atlanta's Citizen's, Restaurant's, Living, and Shopping! Heart of the City!