A few quotes from conversation with Mike Chalinda, Owner of Midas Charlotte Pike Nashville TN. I had stopped by and asked what it would cost to diagnose a starting issue with my jeep. I explained that I would have to repair it myself due to my financial situation. I was told by Keith, Gen Mgr that they would pinpoint the problem and let me know. Even if it were a bad ground he would let me know where it was. After having my vehicle towed in I was told the computer was bad. $450 later, no start. I was then told I bought a bad computer. Swapped it out again and still no start. These are new parts. Read quotes from owner. His words and spelling... "If funds were extreamly limited, we have to wonder where the $450.00 came from for the replacement computer" "Come and allow Keith to refund you the 1/2 hour labor that we will have to deduct from the technician's pay" "Sorry to make you whine more." "No charge for using our lot to attempt to work on your car." No Professionalism. More2come.