Web advertising led me to this store. Buyer beware, website's, especially for local establishments, are not always representative of the business! I was extremely disappointed with my experience at this store. Everyone is friendly as long as you are an easy fit...you go home with the product and do not return...that is easy! However, if you come back in with issues, you are treated like it is your problem and the owner, who did not come out from the back, yells to her employee to "be done with" you and you are then dismissed. In the meantime, they keep your money and you have a product that you cannot wear. Tough beans to you. What a way to do business! Patience does not exist at this store, and you will be mistreated. This was a humiliating experience, at a time when a woman is most vulnerable, when she has to show a part of her body to a total stranger...and most certainly, when you are having not easily resolved issues...it is an even more emotional time, where sensitivity is critical. Shame on the owner, and shame on her daughter, and their staff.