So last night with several friends I went to or Mexico Point (Smuggler's CoveMy sister may be the only person besides my mother who knows this park better than I do.
So last night was "Ghost Hunting 101" all the ghost stories of the area were trotted out,rather badly I may say, by a woman who may be caretaker but you don't hear the love of the place in her voice. When a true historian as she claims to be tells the tales of a place you hear the care in the stories, the words that mean *something*. This person was reciting old stories that she couldn't possibly know. I'm guessing she wasn't a native at all. The story of the bride and the tree was murdered so badly that you almost wish that she was under the tree with the bride.
That's not to say I didn't enjoy myself. I did. But it was the enjoyment of being with friends not the enjoyment of hearing the old stories from when I was a kid. If local friends want more ghost stories though I'd be happy to tell her them. As my sister will be the first to admit when it comes to local history I may know more than even my grandfather does and that's saying something because local county historians come to him for info. He's been known to throw them my way for clarification. (the hotel in it's glory)
I grew up with this little park a major part of my childhood. (that and Washington Park with it's waterfall) There are other little stories that go with it. Ones that they didn't tell last night. The stories of (the cottage) that has been made to look like an 11th century home has not so much haunted rooms (although they are) but has haunted objects one item that supposedly brought with it the soul of a monk. Which could be the hooded figure one often sees at Smuggler's Cove. The fact that in the 70's before the cottage was re-opened the local satanists were using it for ungodly purposes in it's tiny chapel. My friends got some snaps I hope that the cottage shows up in the half light we had. I know there have been numerous events there some SCA some not. Mexico is a rather tightly knit area and I'm sure they are selective who gets in there for events. It may be a state park but not even the state is under any illusions as to who owns it.
What this was, was a ghost hunt. I've gone on these before and have even had a hand in house work. It's ok, but because I don't know many people I don't always enjoy myself at these outings. I want to say that this was run by but I'm not sure which organization Anne Borick runs with.