I am worried very much about my grandson,who got mixed up with some scumbags...He got into trouble and at moment he is in Metrowest Correctional Facilities in Doral Fl. I have heard for eximates that all the correctional facilities in Florida are corrupt.The guards get money from the imates to bring marijuana and other bits of drugs.Is this true..If not why are inmates coming out dopey? I have interviewed many because I am conderned about this. I want my grandson to use his time to think, study, get on his feet. He has the chance to get a good job once he is out if he is clean. CLEAN THE JAILS,LOCK UP THE CORRUPT GUARDS, HELP OUR YOUTH REFORM....IF NOT THE FUTURE OF AMERICA IS VERY DIM AND ITS YOUR FAULT AS WELL AS THE DRUG DEALERS...WHEN IS AMERICA GOING TO DO SOMETHING.USA GOES TO ALL COUNTRIES BUT AVOIDS ITS OWN....OUR YOUTH IS FIRST..GET RID OF CORRUPTION..MAKE AMERICA LIKE IT USED TO BE..LOOKED UP TO