I had long hair down to my bottom for a very long time and out of the blues I decided to chop off my hair because I fell into the "Victoria Beckham bob" trend. That was the biggest mistake ever for me. I missed my long hair and I didn't have the patient to wait 6 plus years to grow my hair out again. I did some research online to check out the many methods and options of hair extension available and thank goodness I came across Mermaid Extension website. It took me a long time to finally decide to get extensions and so for my birthday, I convinced my fiance to pay for my extensions. It was the best gift ever!! I love my extensions so much. The talented women that brought life to my short, dull hair are absolutely amazing. I recieved so many compliments on how natural and real my extension looked. I feel like my extension is an entity on its own because many people who knows me always ask how my hair is doing! To keep it short, I am absolutely thrilled to have come across Mermaid Extensions. The quality is exceptional and the service is priceless. Thank you so much! Now I don't have to pout looking at old videos and photos of myself with long hair because I have long, beautiful hair again! :)
Pros: service, quality, beautiful women working