As I am walking out of my daughters room I turn to hear a Dr. yelling in the hall next to a nurse that he will not be showing a nurse how to do something and he had already shown her once and then turned to the nurse beside him and started in on her. He had no bedside manner at all. his attitude was clear pout I am going to examine her that was fine, then I come back after the ependeral was done, he returned she was all out of breath too tired for the rest of labor asked if she could have a c-section he yelled at her just because your tired I will not give you one we just do not do that well I camn understand that but he was screaming at her, I heard him out in the hallway. Then when she was finally ready he just came in smiling then took over, at the end of birth the baby was fine but he ask her if she learned anything from this experience I was shocked why ask that . Should have never let that Dr touch my girl will never go there again horrible encounter. Nurse was fantastic both of them on duty more informative than Dr.
Pros: none no bedside manner at all
Cons: all the below