Addictions physicians and counselors lead individual, group and family sessions to help with alcohol and drug addictions. Relapse prevention and continuing care are stressed.
Mercy Options Adult Day Treatment Programs
In Mercy Henry Palmer Building
903 Mineral Point Ave.
Janesville, WI 53548
Addictions (ADT): (608) 756-6545
Mental Health (WINGS): (608) 756-6530
Addictions Day Treatment is for adults who are in need of more help than outpatient counseling, but do not require 24-hour hospitalization for detox. Treatment is provided by a multidisciplinary team of addictions-certified physicians, certified addictions counselors and nurses. Sessions are held Monday through Saturday during the daytime.
Mercy Options Behavioral Health Unit – Inpatient Psychiatric and Detoxification Services
In Mercy Hospital and Trauma Center
1000 Mineral Point Ave.
Janesville, WI 53548
(608) 756-6508
This program offers multidisciplinary treatment by addictions-certified physicians, nurses, certified addictions counselors, occupational therapists and social workers. Care includes 24-hour supervision and medical management of withdrawal symptoms, combined with group sessions and education about addictions, healthy living and coping skills.
- Alcohol Abuse
- Anxiety
- Anxiety Issues
- Bereavement Counseling
- Depression
- Depressive Disorders
- Divorce Mediation
- Grief & Loss
- Sexual & Physical Abuse
- Sexual Abuse
- Sexual Assault
- Stress Management
- Suicide
- Suicide Prevention