As hospitals go, Mercy in Iowa City is one of the best available in this area. However, the Business Office should be renamed "Pay Right Now Or We'll Ruin Your Credit." I have owed thousands and thousands of dollars to Mercy. I've had so many surgeries at Mercy over the past 10 years that there should be a wing named after me. I have done my level best to pay Mercy SOMETHING each month, which isn't easy while being unemployed. I've explained my situation to them, but that didn't matter. I was expected to pay $100 a month on the first of the month no matter what. I wasn't able to pay them by the FIRST of the month on several occasions, and they turned me over to their collection agency. They always received a payment, just sometimes not on the first of the month. My credit rating is ruined and I'm still paying Mercy directly (I won't communicate with the collection agency because they're rude people). It amazes me how many people I have met who have been/are in the same situation with Mercy. I only have approximately $400 left to go, and believe me - I will go to any other hospital available before I go back to Mercy Hospital.