Its Christmas and there are many last minute shoppers.People who wait to the last minute and those who dont have money till the last minute to purchase Christmas gifts. I was the later. I and My son are regular customers at this store and they have always been so helpful and nice. But not this time, the lady was very rude and very upset when I called to see if I could find out which books out of the Six I ordered yesterday would be in the following day.The lady that helped me the day before was supose to write on the order slip which books would be in the next day, but she had forgotten in the rush of mad christmas shoppers. It was no problem for me for I thought it would be ok to call the Mendocino \r
Book Store and ask them. But the lady I talked to was very unwilling to help and made this simple question out to be a big ordeal while sighing and huffing. She said that she could not find out when the books would be in. I knew they had computers they ordered on, so I asked if thier comp