I went to Meinke in Glenwood, Decatur beause of his platinum rating. I went there and ask for coolant pressure check. First of all he asked me lowest prize. Just 20$ as compared to 25 or 30$ to other stores. Anyway. I explained him why i need a coolant pressure check. I showed him that my coolant resrvoir has less coolant as compared to 2 weeks back. He check it and explained to me why it has less collant now. I made a mistake by filling the coolant reservoir tank full more that it is supposed to be. Actaully coolant was not leaking it was just over flowing beacuse i filled it full.... He told me everything looks good no need to spend money....
IN SHORT... I will definately recommend him.... not only because of his Platinum rating but also because of his honest.
Check his rating below on the MEinke website..