I am currently an RN student at medtech college and I absolutely love it there... The instructors are amazing and they all want to see you succeed... I would most def recommend me...
I went there because I was not accepted into Ivytech's nursing program, even as an honor roll student. I heard Medtech was a new, for-profit(so very expensive) school, but if I co...
Don't Train to Do Something, Train to Be Something
*Nationally Accredited and State Approved. Short-Term Associate Degrees*Day and Evening Classes*Financial Assistance (for Those Who Qualify)*Career Placement Assistance*2 Locations - 6612 E 75th Suite 300 and 1500 American Way GreenwoodASSOCIATIONACICS Accredited Member. *Medical Assistant*Medical Billing and Coding*Medical Lab Technology*Biotechnology Health Services Administration*Practical Nursing Daytime Only*Registered Nursing Daytime Only