Acupuncture is an ancient medical art, and there are many approaches to learning and practicing it. Medical Acupuncture is the term used to describe acupuncture performed by a doctor trained and licensed in Western medicine who has also had thorough training in acupuncture as a specialty practice. Such a doctor can use one or the other approach, or a combination of both as the need arises, to treat an illness or chronic condition.
*Associate Member, American Academy Of Medical Acupuncture, Since 2003
*Member, Society For Pain Management, Since 2003
*June 2003: Opens Medical Acupuncture & Pain Clinic,West Bend, Wisconsin
*2002-2003: Medical Acupuncture Training, UCLA, Los Angeles, California
*1999-2001: Anesthesia Staff, Eye & Laser Surgery Center, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
*1982-1999: Solo practice in anesthesia, Hartford, Wisconsin
*1970-1982: Group Practice in anesthesia & general medicine, Hartford-Jackson-West Bend, Wisconsin
*1966-1969: Anesthesia Residency, Illinois Masonic Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois
*1965-1966: General Practice Residency, Deconess Hospital, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and Ravenswood Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois
*1964-65: Internship, Evangelical Deconess Hospital, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
*1963: MD. Manila Central University, Philippines
Dr. Vegafria Specializes In These Common Conditions: Acute Or Chronic Pain Of The Neck, Shoulders & Back, Painful And Disabling Osteoarthritis (Hands-Hips-Knees), Frozen Shoulders And Knees, Headaches, Whiplash, & Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Allergies Especially Hay Fever, Many Other Conditions.